Shoes from Portugal arrived…

Hi again…

3 weeks passend since i m back from my great backpack trip… and arrived immediately back in life.

It happend to me during the last weeks that i was asked many times if these were the shoes i bought in Lisbon… sometimes i wore them… but sometimes not.

So…. i promised you a picture of them… and of course – here they are. My two lovely pairs of sandales – i wore already many times on party trips in vienna – and the really fancy ones… which i didnt dare to wear yet… still scared of the 12 cm height. But next time for sure…

So…. acutally i recognized that still some of you are visiting my blog… maybe you really liked it.

Thats why i decided to continue – altough my list is finished. But as my therapist told  me (i tell you more about my therapist later 🙂 ) – that all the year during the 30ies are the best years of a women…. so i guess there will be some more things to tell…

And at the moment… it doesnt seem at all… that life gets more boring from now… absolutely not.

For the beginning… here are my shoes. Like I promised. And there will follow some more pictures of my lovely trip. I just didnt have time yet to put them in an order. Some pictures of our nice before33 party… and much much more – as long as anybody reads it.

And as i started writing before33 – just before i got 33 – i think this can be continued anyway. One more hint for the future blog: crazy single entrepreurs life in vienna…  and all the stories around. Have fun! And stay tuned!

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