
This is the story of a countdown. The countdown of turning 33. Some things turned out different to any expectations i had 10 years ago of being myself today. But one of my perception finally was: „It´s party o Clock“ will obviously never stop in my life… doesnt matter what age.

And as I got this damn feeling, that I m getting younger all the time…. i obviously missed some parts in my life that i always wanted to do. So… what now? There are 3 weeks left until this magic number (33) of being serious turns real. I guess there are some things that I have to catch up with.

Thats why I started this blog – set myself new challenges. Get myself out of the comfortzone.

So join me on a journey through the south of Europe. Being cool and crazy.

Finding out, what things I definetly should do before turning 33.

1. Become a journalist.

Thats the first step. Start a blog. BE a journalist. That was actually easy. Thanks internet!!!!



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